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My Journey Continues!

All my life I've searched for my life purpose. It wasn't until I stopped running and put down the bottle three years ago, that I began searching in the right place.

My answers were within me all along!

Through working the 12-Steps, I've begun to understand myself and am beginning to have clarity. With understanding and a clear head, I've slowly begun to shed layers of my false self and discover who I am and what I've been put on this earth to do.

My journey continues with my enrolling in the Center for Transformational Coaching school. I have the syllabus, the books and my first online class is tomorrow morning. I'm very excited!

I couldn't have done it without support from my husband, the fellowship and my Higher Power. I'm blessed and now purposeful. I'll have updates during my course and will share more when completing this around October of this year. Then I'll be certified as a Life and Transformational Coach and ready to help others struggling with depression, anxiety and/or addiction.

Up to three years ago I had no direction and no hope. Life is amazing and I'm enjoying my ride in the River of Life.

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