For transformation to happen. the key question to ask yourself is, "Why?"
Why am I doing this?
Why am I behaving this way?
Why am I thinking this?
I spent most of my life asking, "Why?" regarding events in the world or environment... happenings outside of my being.
After hitting rock-bottom, three years ago, and becoming humble, honest, open and willing to change, I started questioning the "Why" within and examining my thoughts and behavior patterns over the years.
That's when my transformation began.
I used to believe that if I was born to a different family in a different culture/religion/country - I would be a different person. But now I realize my core self would be the same. I was born as a center of pure love - as all living creatures are - and with talents and personality traits specific and special to me.
I am me, wherever I am in any circumstance.
I asked my wise father once who I look like, him or my mother? "You look like you," he replied.